OpenShift Service Mesh (OSM) in Action

9 min readAug 28, 2020


Why is Service Mesh an important feature for Microservices?
What problems it solves in this new era of application design?

Well, Service Mesh solve real problems at the highly elastic, fast-moving and containerized end of the architecture spectrum that will only grow in importance as that end’s footprint increases in the enterprise.

As Organisations move to build application using Microservices, they are quickly faced on managing the complex interaction between Instances and highly distributed Microservices environments.

Managing this complex environment becomes a devops problem, developers are force to create communication logic to each services, often they also need to add configuration servers to manage this logic as well and then create dynamic routing to manage traffic flow to services. To add on that, handling service migration and upgrade introduces additional dynamic routing which in turns yet need more logic to go to application code. All this activities add complexity and dependency issue to the code base taking more resource from developers precious time

With Red Hat Openshift Service Mesh, this feature bring behavioral insights and operational control to the service communication and traffic.It provides a consistent framework for connecting, securing and monitoring containerize application inside openshift.

Built on open source Istio Project, service mesh provides control plane and infrastructure that transparently enables this traffic management capability without requiring changes on developers code. This traffic management capability is language agnostic making it easier to run and maintain distributed architecture.

This Demo will only cover the basic implementation of Service Mesh just to show the basic capability of this cool OpenShift 4 features.

Giving the Credits where it’s due

First let me give the credit to my fellow RedHatter who is the original source of this demo: I have improved/change this based on what I need and this is the outcome.

Official OpenShift Service Mesh Documentation

The files/configs of this demo are all in my personal github:


  1. OCP 4.3 + configured
  2. Service Mesh Configured

Make sure all pods are running on the istio-system name space.

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Some Environmental Settings

$export Pdemo=namespace 
$oc new-project $Pdemo
export APP_SUBDOMAIN=$(oc get route -n istio-system | grep -i kiali | awk ‘{ print $2 }’ | cut -f 2- -d ‘.’)

The things we will get into:
1. Deploy 4 microservices.

2. Configure ServiceMesh control plane to manage a namespace/project.

3. Manage/control traffic that is going thru the mesh.

4. Implement Blue-Green Strategy to an application running inside the mesh

5. Implement Mirroring/Shadowing to the application running inside the mesh

Tasks 1: Deploy Microservices

The Microservices application will look like this. ( customer | partner ) ⇒ preference ⇒ recommendation

Deploy Customer Application v1 app

oc new-app -l app=customer,version=v1 --name=customer -e VERSION=v1 JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xms512m -Xmx512m' -n $Pdemoc expose svc customer -n $Pdemo

Deploy Partner v1 app

oc new-app -l app=partner,version=v1 --name=partner -e JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xms512m -Xmx512m' -n $Pdemooc expose svc partner -n $Pdemo

Deploy Preference v1 App

oc new-app -l app=preference,version=v1 --name=preference -e JAVA_OPTIONS=’-Xms512m -Xmx512m’ -n $Pdemo

Deploy recommendation v1 App

oc new-app -l app=recommendation,version=v1 --name=recommendation -e JAVA_OPTIONS=’-Xms512m -Xmx512m’ -e VERSION=v1 -n $Pdemo

Check/verify routes:

oc get route | egrep -i ‘customer|partner’

Access Routes:

curl -I partner.$SUB_DOMAIN

This time, what we have just done is to deploy applications using the traditional App Deployment.

Task 2: Now lets go and try Service Mesh!

First let’s understand the difference between upstream Istio Sidecar injector and the RH Servicemesh Maistra release.

  • Istio: — sidecar injector injects all deployments within labeled projects
  • Maistra: — relies on presence of the annotation and the project being listed in the ServiceMeshMemberRoll. true

First, we need to enble sidecar enjection of Maestra Proxy the the pods we created. we need to add annotation in the controllers like DC and Deployments and others. Let’s inspect a couple of dc that we use in the running services first.

oc describe dc/customer -n $Pdemo | grep Annotations -A3

Before we add the annotation that we just discuss, let me configure the ServiceMeshMemberRoll by adding the namespace where the services run.

Notice the highlighted text.


Verify the configuration

oc edit ServiceMeshMemberRoll -n istio-systemoc get ServiceMeshMemberRoll -n istio-system -o yaml | grep spec -A3

Let’s us patch this with a new annotation.

oc patch dc/customer -p ‘{“spec”:{“template”:{“metadata”:{“annotations”:{“”:”true”}}}}}’ -n $Pdemo

Example Output:

oc patch dc/preference -p ‘{“spec”:{“template”:{“metadata”:{“annotations”:{“”:”true”}}}}}’ -n $Pdemooc patch dc/recommendation -p ‘{“spec”:{“template”:{“metadata”:{“annotations”:{“”:”true”}}}}}’ -n $Pdemooc patch dc/partner -p ‘{“spec”:{“template”:{“metadata”:{“annotations”:{“”:”true”}}}}}’ -n $Pdemo

Then we verify if the annotations is added to the DC’s

oc describe dc/partner -n $Pdemo | grep Annotations -A3

Now it is time to manage the ingress traffic to our application via ServiceMesh Remember even though we already added the services to servicemesh via ServiceMeshMemberRoll.

The servicemesh controllers still is not aware of the services

In Openshift, when a oc new-app is used, several kubernetes resources are created within this command. One of this services is the SVC resources (Service). Let’s checkout the service of the customer microservice deployed

oc get svc/customer -n $Pdemo -o json | jq -r ‘[.spec.selector]’ 

In here, we see that kubernetes services match with pods based on the selector we have defined on it. Example the app, deploymentconfig, and version labels define the match with this pods. Now we need to update the application to the new selector.

cat customer/kubernetes/Service.yml | grep selector -A5 

This selector will match any pod with the labelled with app- customer”, and this possibility includes several versions of the same application. To make the change, we need to delete the services that we inherited from the initial deployment.

oc delete svc/customer -n $Pdemooc delete svc/preference -n $Pdemooc delete svc/recommendation -n $Pdemooc delete svc/partner -n $Pdemo

Let’s make sure the DC has the annotions needed

oc describe dc/partner -n $Pdemo | grep Annotations -A3

Run this again: If Sidecar is missing

oc patch dc/customer -p ‘{“spec”:{“template”:{“metadata”:{“annotations”:{“”:”true”}}}}}’ -n $Pdemooc patch dc/preference -p ‘{“spec”:{“template”:{“metadata”:{“annotations”:{“”:”true”}}}}}’ -n $Pdemooc patch dc/recommendation -p ‘{“spec”:{“template”:{“metadata”:{“annotations”:{“”:”true”}}}}}’ -n $Pdemooc patch dc/partner -p ‘{“spec”:{“template”:{“metadata”:{“annotations”:{“”:”true”}}}}}’ -n $Pdemo

Now we need to apply the new selector

oc apply -f customer/kubernetes/Service.yml -n $Pdemooc apply -f preference/kubernetes/Service.yml -n $Pdemooc apply -f recommendation/kubernetes/Service.yml -n $Pdemooc apply -f partner/kubernetes/Service.yml -n $Pdemo

Now that we have the right labels on all the Microservices — we now need to add the Sevice Mesh Components

Virtual Service: lets you configure how requests are routed to a service within an Istio service mesh
Destination Rule: are applied after virtual service routing rules are evaluated, so they apply to the traffic’s “real” destination.
Gateway: You use Gateways to manage inbound and outbound traffic for your mesh, letting you specify which traffic you want to enter or leave the mesh.

Render and Apply the objects to enable Ingress Routing to CUSTOMER app:

export APP_SUBDOMAIN=$(oc get route -n istio-system | grep -i kiali | awk ‘{ print $2 }’ | cut -f 2- -d ‘.’)echo $APP_SUBDOMAINcat customer-ingress_mtls.yml | NAMESPACE=$(echo $Pdemo) envsubst | oc apply -f -

Let’s check if we can access the application now and then we will check KIALI and Jaeger

oc get route -n istio-system customer

Let’s dive into Ingress Routing objects:

oc get virtualservice -n $Pdemo customer -o yaml

VirtualService: The virtualservice uses points to the gateway of customer-gw, and sets the route request to the subset of the host of customer host and with the subset of version-v1.

oc get destinationrule -n $Pdemo customer -o yaml

Destinationrule: the destination rule sets the subset of versions (actually version-v1 but in the next labs will be expanding) that we have in place. Also the host that belongs this destinationrule,

And an important feature — enabled the Mutual TLS.

Let’s now access the Customer microservice app — and view in Kiali:

oc get route -n istio-system customercurl -I customer-$Pdemo-istio-system.$APP_SUBDOMAIN

Let’s verify the Mutual TLS is running.

openssl s_client -connect customer-$Pdemo-istio-system.$APP_SUBDOMAIN:443

Lets verify the old route if we can still access it now that ingress traffic is managed by ServiceMesh:

oc get route -n $Pdemo customercurl -I customer-$Pdemo.$APP_SUBDOMAIN

As expected, the route exposed in $Pdemo (the namespace where the application is running) is unreachable. This is because service-mesh (Istio) now has full control of what is coming in and out to the application customer.

NOW lets expose Partner App to use ServiceMesh

Render and Apply the objects to enable Ingress Routing to CUSTOMER app.

cat partner-ingress_mtls.yml | NAMESPACE=$(echo $Pdemo) envsubst | oc apply -f -

Now let us verify if we now have 2 ingress routing in a single service mesh Control Plane

oc get routes -n istio-system | egrep “customer|partner”

In Kiali you should be able to see the Traffic like below.

In addition, you can also trace the traffic using Jaeger

Task 3: Blue-Green Deployments:

A Blue/Green deployment will allow you to define two (or more) versions of the same application to receive traffic with zero downtime. This approach, for instance, will let you release a new version and gradually increment the amount of traffic this version receives.

export APP_SUBDOMAIN=$(oc get route -n istio-system | grep -i kiali | awk ‘{ print $2 }’ | cut -f 2- -d ‘.’)echo $APP_SUB_DOMAIN

Deploy Recommendation App v2

oc new-app -l app=recommendation,version=v2 --name=recommendation-v2 -e JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xms512m -Xmx512m' -e VERSION=v2 -n $Pdemooc delete svc/recommendation-v2 -n $Pdemooc get pods -n $Pdemo | grep recommendation-v2

Then Inject the sidecar to the updated dc/recommendation

oc patch dc/recommendation-v2 -p ‘{“spec”:{“template”:{“metadata”:{“annotations”:{“”:”true”}}}}}’ -n $Pdemo

Once the patch is done we can execute some test either using customer or partner services.

oc get routes -n istio-system | egrep “customer|partner”

Show 50–50 weight routes

cat recommendation-v1_v2_mtls.yml

Apply 75–50 weight routes

oc apply -f recommendation-v1_v2_25_75.mtls.yml

Go and Test using the script: This will also create load to the application.


Then view in Kiali

Task 4: Traffic Mirroring:

Traffic mirroring, also called shadowing, is a powerful concept that allows feature teams to bring changes to production with as little risk as possible. Mirroring sends a copy of live traffic to a mirrored service. The mirrored traffic happens out of band of the critical request path for the primary service.

Before we create need to create customer app v2 first.

oc new-app -l app=customer,version=v2 --name=customer-v2 -e VERSION=v2 -e JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xms512m -Xmx512m' -n $Pdemooc delete svc/customer-v2 -n $Pdemo oc patch dc/customer-v2 -p ‘{“spec”:{“template”:{“metadata”:{“annotations”:{“”:”true”}}}}}’ -n $Pdemo

Now lets render and apply the mirror VirtualService.

./cat customer-mirror-traffic.yml | envsubst | oc apply -f -

Then put a load to the apps.


Then check Kiali and notice that the shadow app appear.

So what we have witness here is that this route rule still sends 100% of the traffic to customer v1 application.
But then then The last stanza on the specs specifies that you want to mirror to the customer:v2 service.

When traffic gets mirrored, the requests are sent to the mirrored service with their Host/Authority headers appended with -shadow. For example, cluster-1 becomes cluster-1-shadow.

Also, it is important to note that these requests are mirrored as “fire and forget”, which means that the responses are discarded.

Furthermore, you can use the mirror_percent field to mirror a fraction of the traffic, instead of mirroring all requests. If this field is absent, for compatibility with older versions, all traffic will be mirrored

$ cat customer-mirror-traffic-adv.yml | envsubst | oc apply -f -

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Elastician, ex-Red Hatter, a father, Filipino/Kiwi and an Open Source believer.